Monday, February 19, 2024


“””Dusk becomes dawn and the man twice blessed is resurrected. The follower beckons him to the Great War ahead.””” 

Century seven quatrain seventy seven. 

Of the prophesies of Nostradamus alias michel denotre dame.

True name 

Michel gasonuay.

Prophesying in the 

16th century of a d.

This specific quatrains fatidical contents  appears to have been addressed by Nostradamus through 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity in the year 1555 a d specifically.



A group on earth in the 16th century around 1562 approximately, is said to have seized half of Nostradamus's work entitled Century Seven.

Interesting to consider the following.

On that note.

For around  three and a half centuries, over the passedfour centuries mostly, in or around, Nostradamus's prophetic work entitled """Century seven""" 


was basically the only  vaticinal Nostradamus work that was incomplete.



It was strangely missing 50 quatrains.

All the other twelve centuries of Nostradamus works were basically complete.


In connection to what Christianity  teaches humans in2nd Peter 1:19-21, they each possessed 100 fatidical prophetic quatrains.

Unlike strangely Nostradamus's work entitled """""century 


Then, around the year 1991 a d, a few Hollywood agents start plans for production on a new space drama series entitled First Wave.

The space drama series focuses on 50 missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

From Nostradamus's work entitled century seven.

Apparently a renowned secret earthly group called the Illuminati sold the quatrains to various Hollywood producers around 1991 a d.

And those same producers idiotically made a tv show called first wave which revolves around those 50 formerly missing quatrains from

Nostradamus's work entitled century seven.


How Satan works with devils to confuse The truth of Christian prophesy in this life on that note.

Eh ?

Yet, that said?

The show called first wave?

That ran mostly on the space channel??

From 1999 a d to the year 2001?

It really isn't that bad of a show.

It's okay.

I quess.

But the only problem with it is that their not being fully honest about the holy truth of those 50 sacred missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

O what a tangled web humans weave when " through devilish forces ?

Humans practise to deceive .

Pure and simple.


In the YouTube video Referred to presently above is an episode from season two of that drama space show if I recall correctly.

And the missing Nostradamus'quatrain referred to in that episode is addressed as follows.

""""The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll upon all life forms"""

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

Obviously such a quatrain directly relates to both c4q97 and c5q41 of the prophesies of Christianity's Holy Ghost spoken through Nostradamus'.

Regarding a miraculous one time reversal of the human aging process which shall come upon all humans who participated in modern technology straight in reverse 300 years straight to the spiritual date of revelation 20:7-10's transpiry.""

It perfectly coincides with Christian prophesy in every facet of this present existence of man.

In basic scientific abstracts known to science as well as Including Christian vaticinal time lines regarding quantum time pockets addressed indirectly in Christianity's sacred scriptures likewise.




The preceding note has one spelling error.

I hate spelling errors.

Because spelling errors annoy me.

Yet the phone made the spelling error.

I didn't.

By changing the word the single form of the word """ quatrain""""

To a plural form.

I despise the phone computer for doing stupid things like that.

It just means I have to write again.

If I don't want the note to look stupid.

Talk about annoying.

The phone computer is totally retarded.

But whatever.

Because the phone computer is basically retarded?

Here's the previous note 



In the YouTube video I just sent you is an episode from season two of that drama space show if I recall correctly.

And the missing Nostradamus'quatrain referred to in that episode is addressed as follows.

""""The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll upon all life forms"""

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

Obviously such a ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกquatrain๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกnot quatrains but rather quatrain"""๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกdirectly relates to both c4q97 and c5q41 of the prophesies of Christianity's Holy Ghost spoken through Nostradamus'.

Regarding a miraculous one time reversal of the human aging process which shall come upon all humans who participated in modern technology straight in reverse 300 years straight to the spiritual date of revelation 20:7-10's transpiry.""

It perfectly coincides with Christian prophesy in every facet of this present existence of man.

In basic scientific abstracts known to science as well as Including Christian vaticinal time lines regarding quantum time pockets addressed indirectly in Christianity's sacred scriptures likewise.




 I did my research.

Everything I just told you there is factual. It's crazy, molecularly speaking. I quess. As far as Luke 1:37 goes. I suppose. . I know. But it's factual.

Everything I just said.

When all the facts of this existence are summarized properly.

I checked.


That's what Christian prophesy is implying.

But first 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 and 2nd esdras13 will happen.

In connection to 2nd Peter 3:7-17

And then a new heavens and new earth will appear.

As revelation 21:1-3 warn humans


What humans don't get?


The facts of this scenario and Christian prophesy to this point impute that revelation 21:1-3 is not the end of mortal time in this life.

In connection to 2nd Enoch 33:1-12.

Revelation 22 is the end of mortal time.

When Revelation 21:1-3 happens?

Which will be soon.

According to Christian  prophetic time lines .

Then 300 years will remain for terrestrial life forms in this existence.

And all humans who participated in modern technology over appropriately the last three hundred to 331 years will be reborn on earth in a type of reversal of the human aging process occurring to such beings.

Along with the satanic forces addressed by Saint Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 obviously likewise.

That all encircles c10q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.

Trimenes full of terrestrial and spiritual demonic captives of all ages will come together to be reborn on earth to fulfill the three year age of brass all in their specific turns .

Before """in connection to Matthew 26 '"the final judgment of Christ occurs on all created beings in this existence.

If humans follow the gospels then they follow what Jesus says in the gospel of Luke 4:4.

Which says live by all the scriptures of Christianity.

Not just the gospels.

Especially 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

As mark 3:29 warns all.


Which coincides perfectly with everything just addressed here.

Woe my yes