Monday, October 14, 2024


According to this video and a few others, enough nuclear power has gone missing and presumably  has been stolen from various nuclear power plants accross america to blow up the earth 70 times over.

That’s a sign that we have great security at such serious nuclear facilities in America.

Eh winnie  and Jeff?

Basically many facts on the internet clearly confirm that common thieves are presently in possession of numerous forms of nuclear power.

And their prepared to sell such plutonium and uranium neptunium to the highest bidders .

On the black market.

Regardless of right or wrong.

It’s honor among thieves.

Isn’t that great?


Good news.

Good news.

I got some good gnus ?

And some bad gnus?

1564 a d. A group on earth connected to John 17:14-17, 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15, revelation 16:13-14 and James 4:4 ridiculously seize 50 sacred quatrains of Nostradamus.

Which pertain to Nostradamus’s vaticinal works addressed to all humanity entitled CENTURY SEVEN.

And that peculiar group on earth strangely hide those 50 quatrains from the rest of humanity for just over four human centuries.

Until one fine day in July 1997 if I’m reading these facts correctly, members of that group entitled The Illuminati give or sell those 50 quatrains to a Hollywood producer by the name of Chris brancato.

Who, in turn , decides to make a space program out those fifty specific formerly hidden  quatrains  and prophesies of Nostradamus…

In two years he has basically created a master piece space program entitled First Wave.

Starring Sebastian Spence roger cross and traci Elizabeth lords…

And I do confess, the creators and writers of the program basically do a fantastic job in addressing these fifty formerly hidden prophesies of Nostradamus.

Generally speaking...


Because, to summarize Christianity properly?

, in connection to Ephesians 6;10-12 generally speaking, an evil spirit is an alien to the planet earths atmosphere.

Evil spirits cannot penetrate into earths airwaves in other words , unless humans mock Christianity’s teaching’s immensely.

And humans from this era of this existence, are masters at defying christs simple instructions given to humans through Christianity’s sacred scriptures in this life.

That’s basically the “‘ just”’ of the matter.

And that’s basically what the writers and producers of the television program First wave do with such a program.

Which is based on those fifty formerly missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

For the record?

The writers of the program do not get everything right regarding the real truth behind those fifty missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

That’s a true statement.

Yet my point to mentioning such information is simply this.

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures 

The writers of such a program , who are in possession of those fifty  formerly missing quatrains of Nostradamus have the general idea of what Nostradamus is saying in such quatrains correct.


Evil spirits and Satan are basically aliens to the planet earth.

And satans spiritual forces cannot penetrate into earths atmosphere unless humans are disobeying christs instructions to humanity in this life.

And this era of humans are masters at disobeying christs simple instructions to humans in Christianity’s scriptures in this life.

That’s the point to that statement.

Pure and simple.


On that note?

In connection to 2nd Peter 1:19-21 

Let’s have a quick look at what one of these formerly missing quatrains addressed originally to all humanity by Nostradamus in 1564 states to all creation in this life now.

Shall we?

Yes we shall.

For such a quotation here 

I debated on a few formerly hidden quatrains of Nostradamus.

To mention here. 

On that note. 

But all avenues properly summarized at this point?

I finally decided on this one specifically.

To mention here.

Which is 

Century seven quatrain 47.

Through which, Nostradamus simply states this to all mankind today.

Worded as Follows.

In this wise.

Or way.

“‘“‘ the atomic weapon will fall on many earthly cities , unless simple thieves deliver humanity from woe.”’

That’s the first part of such a quatrain.

Aligning Roman’s 16:19 and 1st Corinthians 14:20 .


Now hear the second part.

Nostradamus continues such a quatrain in this light.

“‘The enemy of Christian triumph in such a subject is worldly devilish intellect .”’

Aligning modern technology , revelation 16:13-14 , 1st Corinthians 10:20-21,,and Ecclesiastes 7:29.

“‘For faculties human failures at such a time in human history, require senses anew.”’”’

In connection to revelation 21:1-3 obviously.

Meaning a new heavens and new earth are soon going to appear on earth in connection to 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 and 2nd Peter 3:7-17, due to the fact mankind has taken iniquities way too far regarding modern inventions presently in this present formation of this existence.

This is a matter explained properly in other words , here.

And on that note?

What does Christianity’s All Divine Holy Ghost say in c2q46 of Nostradamus’s prophesies to humans in this life on that note?

Obviously that means revelation 21:1-3 is not the end of mortal time in this existence.

It’s the beginning of what psalm 149:5-9 warns humanity of in this life.

Regarding the final 300 years of this existence.


In his prophesies in a variety of places Nostradamus gives mention of great changes coming to earth in this life.

Where everything on earth will look different.

Connected to 1st Corinthians 6:1-3.

And Jude 1:14.

For the final 300 years of this existence.

When evil spirits who walked with humans over the last 300 years on earth in connection to 2nd Corinthians 11:12-15 will be recreated with powers still but become partially mortal with all humans who mocked christs instructions through modern inventions in this life.

When James Donnelly junior causes his blood to be reborn on the earth in this life.

As 2nd Enoch 33:1-12 warn humans by my words.

Before eternity commences.

When a new heavens and new earth appear, 

For the final 300 years of this specific existence.

A regeneration in many generations will occur.


All humans who participated in modern technology over the last three hundred years be be reborn with evil spirits to relive their mortal lives in this life.

Before eternity commences for all humanity in this life.

And it will be initiated by the thieves that stole numerous forms of plutonium neptunium and uranium from these nuclear facilities in Canada and America soon.

Which aligns with 2nd Peter 3:7-17 and what I address to all humans here.

Minus you and Jeff.


I want to talk to you in the after life.

With dad present.

Because the Holy Ghost says that’s what I am to do.

And that’s the ball game.


In connection to 2nd Esdras 7:29-32.


I don’t know?

But soon.

As Jimmy Morrison says in his legendary song.


Over and out.

To all.

On that note.

Pure and simple.


“‘The weapon will fall on cities, unless thieves deliver humanity from woe.

The enemy of triumph is intellect.

For faculties failure requires senses anew.’”””



16th century. AD.

I could have stopped 2nd Peter 3:7-17.

If humans had listened to my simple instructions regarding modern technology.

Unfortunately humans today didn’t listen to me.

That’s not my fault.

I did everything I could to save humans from 2nd Peter 3:7-17.

For years.

It actually blows my mi  Kitty tippy Sikh bob d.


How humans refused to follow my simple instructions.

Regarding modern technology.

On that note.

O well.

From a molecular stand point? I’m sorry. Is Christianity crazy? It’s craziness. Winnie.

From a molecular stand point.

Not a spiritual one.

But whatever.

If Jesus is angry with me for saying that.


Sorry Jesus.

Be angry .

With me.

If you want.

I’m not wrong in saying that.

Either way.

From a molecular point of view.

And if Jesus was here.

I’d say this to him.

Admit it.


Pure and simple.

That’s why y I like roller coasters.

Ya know?

Because we’ll … whatever.

These are facts.

That I’ve addressed.

By the way.

I checked.

Thousands of times.

I checked.

There’s no doubt.

What I address in this matter?

It’s factual.

That’s why I’m wondering this.

Is the human race totally crazy?


Spiritually speaking.


Edit the preceding note.

These are facts.

That I’ve addressed.

By the way.

I feel that needs to be clarified.

I’m not blowing words out my mouth.


This information I’ve addressed here is clearly factual.

I checked.

Thousands of times.

I checked.

There’s no doubt.

What I address in this matter?

It’s factual.

That’s why I’m wondering this.

Is the human race totally crazy?


Spiritually speaking.

Is the human race completely unsane?.

Or deliberately retarded?

It’s just a question.


Ooo and in connection to Jude 1:14, Enoch says in the first book of Enoch “‘ in those days the kings of the earth and the mighty men shall not have it in their power to secure themselves in cars and trains and other forms of modern technological transport devices .

In connection to revelation 16:13-14.

Neither shall people on earth be able to fly in modern inventions that fly when psalm 149:5-9 comes to pass.

But they shall be in the hands of christs millennial saints .

Who ruled with Christ in this life from 667 to 1667 a d .

Dot a , connects to dot b.


Straightway to dot Z.

Aligning Luke 4:4.


In other words.


The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll.

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

Signifies c4q97. And a reversal of the human aging process…

Monday, February 19, 2024


“””Dusk becomes dawn and the man twice blessed is resurrected. The follower beckons him to the Great War ahead.””” 

Century seven quatrain seventy seven. 

Of the prophesies of Nostradamus alias michel denotre dame.

True name 

Michel gasonuay.

Prophesying in the 

16th century of a d.

This specific quatrains fatidical contents  appears to have been addressed by Nostradamus through 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity in the year 1555 a d specifically.



A group on earth in the 16th century around 1562 approximately, is said to have seized half of Nostradamus's work entitled Century Seven.

Interesting to consider the following.

On that note.

For around  three and a half centuries, over the passedfour centuries mostly, in or around, Nostradamus's prophetic work entitled """Century seven""" 


was basically the only  vaticinal Nostradamus work that was incomplete.



It was strangely missing 50 quatrains.

All the other twelve centuries of Nostradamus works were basically complete.


In connection to what Christianity  teaches humans in2nd Peter 1:19-21, they each possessed 100 fatidical prophetic quatrains.

Unlike strangely Nostradamus's work entitled """""century 


Then, around the year 1991 a d, a few Hollywood agents start plans for production on a new space drama series entitled First Wave.

The space drama series focuses on 50 missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

From Nostradamus's work entitled century seven.

Apparently a renowned secret earthly group called the Illuminati sold the quatrains to various Hollywood producers around 1991 a d.

And those same producers idiotically made a tv show called first wave which revolves around those 50 formerly missing quatrains from

Nostradamus's work entitled century seven.


How Satan works with devils to confuse The truth of Christian prophesy in this life on that note.

Eh ?

Yet, that said?

The show called first wave?

That ran mostly on the space channel??

From 1999 a d to the year 2001?

It really isn't that bad of a show.

It's okay.

I quess.

But the only problem with it is that their not being fully honest about the holy truth of those 50 sacred missing quatrains of Nostradamus.

O what a tangled web humans weave when " through devilish forces ?

Humans practise to deceive .

Pure and simple.


In the YouTube video Referred to presently above is an episode from season two of that drama space show if I recall correctly.

And the missing Nostradamus'quatrain referred to in that episode is addressed as follows.

""""The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll upon all life forms"""

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

Obviously such a quatrain directly relates to both c4q97 and c5q41 of the prophesies of Christianity's Holy Ghost spoken through Nostradamus'.

Regarding a miraculous one time reversal of the human aging process which shall come upon all humans who participated in modern technology straight in reverse 300 years straight to the spiritual date of revelation 20:7-10's transpiry.""

It perfectly coincides with Christian prophesy in every facet of this present existence of man.

In basic scientific abstracts known to science as well as Including Christian vaticinal time lines regarding quantum time pockets addressed indirectly in Christianity's sacred scriptures likewise.




The preceding note has one spelling error.

I hate spelling errors.

Because spelling errors annoy me.

Yet the phone made the spelling error.

I didn't.

By changing the word the single form of the word """ quatrain""""

To a plural form.

I despise the phone computer for doing stupid things like that.

It just means I have to write again.

If I don't want the note to look stupid.

Talk about annoying.

The phone computer is totally retarded.

But whatever.

Because the phone computer is basically retarded?

Here's the previous note 



In the YouTube video I just sent you is an episode from season two of that drama space show if I recall correctly.

And the missing Nostradamus'quatrain referred to in that episode is addressed as follows.

""""The younger woman shall surmount the old before the lusty hearts of many men. The precious drops quench the thirst of time before the ugly truth shall take its toll upon all life forms"""

Century seven quatrain 67 Nostradamus.

Obviously such a ๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกquatrain๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกnot quatrains but rather quatrain"""๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคก๐Ÿคกdirectly relates to both c4q97 and c5q41 of the prophesies of Christianity's Holy Ghost spoken through Nostradamus'.

Regarding a miraculous one time reversal of the human aging process which shall come upon all humans who participated in modern technology straight in reverse 300 years straight to the spiritual date of revelation 20:7-10's transpiry.""

It perfectly coincides with Christian prophesy in every facet of this present existence of man.

In basic scientific abstracts known to science as well as Including Christian vaticinal time lines regarding quantum time pockets addressed indirectly in Christianity's sacred scriptures likewise.




 I did my research.

Everything I just told you there is factual. It's crazy, molecularly speaking. I quess. As far as Luke 1:37 goes. I suppose. . I know. But it's factual.

Everything I just said.

When all the facts of this existence are summarized properly.

I checked.


That's what Christian prophesy is implying.

But first 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 and 2nd esdras13 will happen.

In connection to 2nd Peter 3:7-17

And then a new heavens and new earth will appear.

As revelation 21:1-3 warn humans


What humans don't get?


The facts of this scenario and Christian prophesy to this point impute that revelation 21:1-3 is not the end of mortal time in this life.

In connection to 2nd Enoch 33:1-12.

Revelation 22 is the end of mortal time.

When Revelation 21:1-3 happens?

Which will be soon.

According to Christian  prophetic time lines .

Then 300 years will remain for terrestrial life forms in this existence.

And all humans who participated in modern technology over appropriately the last three hundred to 331 years will be reborn on earth in a type of reversal of the human aging process occurring to such beings.

Along with the satanic forces addressed by Saint Paul in 2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 obviously likewise.

That all encircles c10q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus.

Trimenes full of terrestrial and spiritual demonic captives of all ages will come together to be reborn on earth to fulfill the three year age of brass all in their specific turns .

Before """in connection to Matthew 26 '"the final judgment of Christ occurs on all created beings in this existence.

If humans follow the gospels then they follow what Jesus says in the gospel of Luke 4:4.

Which says live by all the scriptures of Christianity.

Not just the gospels.

Especially 2nd Peter 1:19-21.

As mark 3:29 warns all.


Which coincides perfectly with everything just addressed here.

Woe my yes

Sunday, June 18, 2023

Inter community logic ultimately in todays human societies on earth.

On this link here. And it’s contents the following information is note worthy for Christian’s to ponder:

Nostradamus is clearly a prophet of Christ in this life.
In connection to all the facts of Christianity Nostradamus is literally Israel’s third final prophet of Christ in this life.

Attached to every function which is applied to what Christianity properly teaches humans in 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity’s sacred divine scriptures.

And on that note , the following information should be placed in writing.

The facts attached to these  blog websites  here entitled
Regarding facts which relate to various  Christian prophesies coinciding with human history from this existence clearly confirm to humanity in this life that the second coming of Jesus Christ happened for humans in this life  in the 7th century century of a d.

It also confirms for humans in this life that the millennial reign of Jesus with his millennial saints referred to in revelation 20:1-10, occurred from 667 a d to 1667 a d.

Every fact connected to Christian prophesy and human history in this life verifies that statement to be accurate.

Yet of intrigue, according to the facts of Christian prophesy and human history likewise so Satan was released from his one thousand years of incarceration, referred to in saints johns revelation in the year 1667 a d.

Right at the time that Nostradamus was filled with the Holy Ghost in Christianity to write his prophesies.

Satan knew this.

So aligning what 1st kings 22:22 states , Satan upon his release from his one thousand year incarceration referred to in saints johns revelation, instructed his minions to infiltrate a worldly group on earth addressed as the illuminiti to seize the 50 quatrains of Nostradamus’s work attached to century seven in order to conceal them from humanity until now.

In summary that’s the situation here.

That’s clearly what’s happening with this situation at this moment in time in human history.
Absurd yet true.
Truth is stranger then fiction in this life.

In connection to John 12:25 and Matthew 16:25 of Christianity’s scriptures for example.

Because in connection to 2nd cor 4:4, revelation 16:13-14, Luke 1:37, genesis 3:22 and 2nd cor 11:13-15 of Christianity’s holy scriptures  Satan and his kingdom of evil spirits in this life are basically absurd.
Regarding Satan and  evil spirits who presently rule this present formation of this universe. 

A French group called the illuminiti seized part of Nostradamus’s prophesies attached to his work entitled century seven.
Quatrains 45 to 72,  quatrains 74 to 79.
Quatrain 81.

And quatrains 84 to 100.
Then, that group withheld them from humanity til recently .

Then, around the year 1990 the group sold them to various people associated with Hollywood.

And , in turn, such people in Hollywood made such quatrains into this tv show.

Called first wave.

‘’’where the good river runs north’ young fortunes are reversed in mock battle.
Enslavement takes on myriad forms. Yet the key to them all is control.’’’
This is one of the missing quatrains from century seven of the prophesies of Michel denotre dame.

And, when all the facts of Luke 4:4 and 2nd Peter 1:19-21 of Christianity’s scriptures are summarized properly the following is clear.

The first line in this quatrain refers to a Canadian river named the Thames.

As the facts attached to this blog website entitled

clearly verify for all creation presently in this life.

The second line is a referral to revelation 16:13-14.
Regarding young mortal  fortunes being reversed in mock battle.

It obviously means what is addressed here.

In this computer link.


In connection to genesis 3:22, 2nd cor 4:4, and Luke 1:37,,,
Evil spirits or rather evil deities, some male others female,,  who ate of Christianity’s tree of life, due to Christs mercies to them in previous existences, yet now rebellious to Jesus are hiding the fact they are altering events assigned to Christs original set space time continuum in this time frame of this existence through modern technology.

Which obviously applies to revelation 16:13-14 and likewise the first epistle of John chapter two verses 15-17.

Evil deities in this existence who were formerly faithful to Jesus, til Christ mercifully gave them eternal life through Christianity’s tree of life are altering events and human fortunes in this time frame of this existence through the seemingly mortally
 impossible functions of time travel.

With a catch.
The various functions of time travel presently being deployed by evil spirits throughout earth presently in this existence are refrained from proceeding farther then seven years back in time or forward in time.

Regarding this present formation of this universe.

2nd Corinthians 11:13-15 refers to the line in the quatrain which states,’’’enslavement takes on myriad forms.

 A close study of the facts of these quatrains referred to in the episodes attached to this tv program  connected to this  present formation of this universe obviously verify that these statements I am making here are throughly correct.

Dot connection.

2nd Samuel 24:1 connected to 1st chronicles 21:1 states what exactly?

Those two passages of scripture clearly warn humans that Jehovah is Satan.

And connected to 2nd cor 4:4 and 1st kings 22:22 Satan or rather true sobriquet yah weh is evil.

Along with all evil spirits.
Which is why John 12:25 is written.

The holy Godhead of Christianity along with Christs millennial saints who reigned with Christ in this life in the present heavens from 667 to 1667 a d wisely hide in unison  in a secret compartment of this universe 

until the being addressed by Nostradamus in c5q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus


deals a blow to Satans kingdom on earth presently by way of Christianity’s prophesy addressed to humans in this life in 2nd Esdras 7:29-32 of Christianity’s sacred holy scriptures.

As I prove factually here.

In a summary of everything Luke 4:4 warns humans of in this life so
In Luke 1:37 Jesus says all things are possible for a God who eats of Christianity’s tree of life at any time in any existence.

Yet theirs a key element to that statement that most humans do not realize.

The more ancient a deity is by way of all previous existences the stronger that deity is connected to John 6:63 of Christianity’s sacred scriptures.

And the being addressed by Nostradamus in c5q79 is more ancient then any evil spirit in existence.

Including the god of Israel.


True sobriquet Satan.

That’s what all evil spiritual deities forget in every created existence that comes along for mortals.

Foolish humans on earth today.

If you paid proper sincere attention to what Jesus says in Luke 4:4 you’d realize that truth.

And be aware of the fact I can save you if you keep Christs ten simple commandments.

But humans today didn’t listen to my simple instructions on such matters.
On such functions.

Which I forwarded to humans.

In this formation of this existence.
If humans of this age had listened to me on such simple matters I address to humanity in that link they’ would have been saved in Jesus.

But humans of this era choose infinite evils over my simple instructions on how to keep Christs simple laws attached to both psalm one and Matthew 5:17-20 of Christianity’s sacred divine scriptures.
Now it’s all but too late.

To stop 2nd Peter 3:7-17 of Christianity’s prophesies.

Totally incredible.

O well.

Do not blame me.

When it happens.

I did everything I could to save humanity today  from such a fate .

Humans had no rational reason not to listen to me on such matters either.

Humans of this age just simply choose infinite hypocrisies galore over my simple instructions on such holy matters.
In fact, if the records are checked?

Humans of recent times have also clearly known about solar energy for over 123 years.
In general.
If human records are checked properly?

That’s thoroughly obvious.

Humans devilishly choose to pollute torture and destroy Mother Earth for the sake of gasoline run inventions that , in summary ‘’make no sense regarding the wellness of Mother Earth at all.

Obviously there’s something else that goes with that statement too.

All the facts of this existence confirm this.
In connection to Luke 1:37 and Genesis 3:22, 
Satans or rather Jehovahs  altering of Christs original space time continuum along with many other evil spiritual deities or rather evil spirits attached  to this present formation of this existence  through modern inventions and revelation 16:13-14 required one godly or rather earthly element in order to make such time machines operate.

And that is gasoline or fossel fuels in all its various earthly forms.
Given by and 
Through the goddess Gaea.

Or rather , as humans call that living  goddess in this life’’’ Mother Earth.


Humans along with spiritually deranged evil gods and evil spirits in this formation of this existence wonderously wickedly abominably hypocritically opted to torture and destroy Mother Earth for such a ridiculous purpose.

What does revelation 11:18 say about beings who do that specifically?

Connected to a being referred to by Nostradamus in c5q79 of Nostradamus’s prophesies to humans in this life?
Which is a prophetic statement in Christianity which connects to c7 quatrain 35 of the prophesies of Christianity’s Holy Spirit spoken through Nostradamus likewise.

In this life.



On that note.

Glory be to the Father , of Jesus and Jesus and the Holy Mother of Jesus my Holy Grand mother, Christianity’s all divine Holy Spirit,

Connected to this.

On that note.

That is likewise why c7q35 of the prophesies of Nostradamus  apply to the being addressed by Nostradamus in c5q79 of his prophesies to humanity in this life.

In connection with 2nd Esdras 13:13 of Christianity likewise.

Regarding a man from the sea.


The being addressed by Nostradamus in c5q79 reflects Christ lineally.

As does another referred to by Nostradamus in both c4q28 as well as c10q72 of Nostradamus’s prophesies to humanity in this life.

Which also reflects the fish symbolism in  Christ.

2nd Esdras 13 refers to a deity man who appears to  humans at a certain conjecture in time in this existence from the SEA.

How ironic.

As Nostradamus states elsewhere, ‘’’the fish that travails land and sea will be cast up on  shore by a great wave, driving millions into earths oceans.’’


As , aligning what Saint John states in revelation 20:14-15 , so the prophesies of Enoch state to all humanity that the oceans of earth will become the lake of fire for the wicked in this life.

As , in passing, Saint John states in the last two chapters of the revelation of Saint John the divine , regarding Christianity’s scriptures the  following words addressed as follows 

‘’’and their was no more sea.’

Yet life eternal goes to all created humans who keep Christs Ten Commandments in this life.

As Matt 19:17 advises.
Alleluia! Alleluia! Hallelujah!

On that note.

Aw yes.



I suppose this should be clarified ‘for the reader’ before the conclusion of this post.’ 

When I say all the facts of this life ‘in unison’ confirm that Nostradamus is Christs third final prophet in this life , I refer to the fact Nostradamus is a major prophet of Christ.

The book of Zechariah and other scriptures of Christianity state to humans that their are many prophets of Christ in this life.

Yet most are minor prophets.

Which applies to the works of most prior created beings both mortal and immortal in prior existences.

The being attached to both c2q28 and c5q79 of the quatrains of Nostradamus is Christs 2nd final major prophet in this life.

Yet I am not Christ and this existences FINAL Major prophet in this life.

That holy being comes after c5q41 and c4q97 of the quatrains of Nostradamus are set into motion by the spirit of Christian prophesy in this life,

A concept of Christian prophesy

Explained ultimately elsewhere in these prophesies of Christ which I address to humanity in this existence.

Now to finish this post I will give a brief summary of a few other prophesies of Nostradamus from century seven which have been hidden from humanity until this interval in time in human history.

‘’’ the weapon will fall on cities unless thieves deliver humanity from woe.the enemy of Christian triumph is intellect.

For faculties failure requires senses anew.’’’

The meaning is obvious.

The second line in this Nostradamus prophesy states ‘’’the enemy of Christian triumph is intellect.
Obviously this means evil knowledge.

Such as evil inventions in modern technology on earth for example.

Which dishonour what Christianity teaches humans in the first epistle of John two verses 15 to 17 and likewise revelation 16:13-14 for example.

Through Roman’s 14:20 and 1st cor 14:32 Saint Paul states be babes when it comes to evil things. But when it comes to good concepts have knowledge.’’’

The first line in this Nostradamus prophesy states ‘’’The weapon will fall on earths cities unless thieves deliver inanity from woe.

And it obviously refers to evil spirits in human form  presently on earth masquerading as humans and perfecting  the deceptive concepts of manipulating Christs original set space time continuum .

Basically they are thieves stealing what belongs to humans in this life.

That’s what Nostradamus means in saying ‘’thieves need to deliver humanity from woe. Or nuclear weapons will begin falling on cities.’’’

Through their mastering of time travel through modern inventions on earth presently.

Through modern technology evil spirits are deceptive that way.

Which reflects what Jesus says in Luke 16:9-111 and also what Christianity says in 2nd cor 4:4: 

Quite obviously that is evident when all the facts of what is happening on earth presently is alalysed properly.

By which factor, the Christian scriptures referred to in Christianity in 2nd cor 4:4 , Luke 1:37, Gen 3:22, and 2nd cor 11:13-15 of Christianity’s scriptures become obvious regarding this prophesy.

Regarding evil spirits in human form infiltrating human societies in human form and secretlymastering the functions of time travel unknown to humans presently on 
earth .

At this conjecture in time in human history.

Pure and simple.

Watch "Venturing into  unknown parts of highway 2 west of london. southwestern Ontario" on YouTube