Thursday, April 15, 2021


musical option is attached here " in honor of the 1870's  black donnellys of biddulph ontario canada .

A precursor introduction unto this website is forwarded " now" in this light.

Steel chariots vanish into clear still night.
C7q88 nostradamus.
What does that mean?
Evil spirits masquerading as human " in various geographical sections of earth " are working with mortals in perfecting various forms of time travel.
As well as various formations in suspensions in time 
Regarding modern technology and various alterations in the pre set space time continuum of christ in that which PERTAINS unto this existence:

When did this mendacious  spiritual deceit first occur?
Approximately 1870 a d.

First experiments in minor formations in a manipulation of the space time continuum begin in lucan ontario canada.
A unified spirital attack AUTHORIZED BY SATAN  is placed on a biddulph lucan ontario canada family named DONNELLY.

THE ARCH ANGEL WHOM THE FIRST Created  HEAVENS  " in this life" address as 
""" The angel of VERIDICAL veracious veracity.

""The ancient town of previous formations of mother earth " lucan ontario canada" will not ring its crack'd bell.
For the hero of previous existences " has gone partially astray.

With each victory " so shall victory undo itself, through a perfidious manipulation in the set space time continuum of christ in this existence""

C7q86" michel denote dame..."""""""""""

A brief introductory note is now listed on this subject .
Which actually indirectly applies to this video attached immediately below.

And with that in mind"on that note I say this.  

First off " may I say" that " at first glance"  mark Twain looks like a crazy person" to me.

But looks can be deceiving.

Anyhow" I'm only half way through this video" so I dont know if its listed in this video " but " on a variety of occasions" I've visited the donnelly homestead in BIDDULPH ontario canada "known as the  home of the worst crime ever committed in canada."

I've visited the house both at night and during the day.

As I took a personal interest in the case for a bit.
During the day things usually are peaceful.

At least that's what I've experienced " contrary to what the present owners of the house assert

"" but " the one time I visited the house on the anniversary of the massacre of the donnelly family in the year 2000 " at 2 am " just around the time the massacre was said to have taken place a very strange sighting occurred.

On the roman line " just a little ways away from where  the present donnelly homestead still stands and where the legendary barn is

" I saw a vision of a parade of motorcycles "

perhaps 100 pulling out of a farm house drive way and then proceeding towards the donnelly homestead .

When each motorcycle  reached the sight of the donnelly  death house of February 4th 1880 each motorcycle vanished.

Right before my eyes.
So" I dont know?
What did I see?

Why did I see such a strange apparition?

At 2 in the morning. On february 4th 2000 a d.?

I wasnt drunk.

I wasnt stoned.
I was clearly awake and alert.
And attentive.

I saw this strange vision.
No one else was around though.
To confirm this vision.
With me.

I know I saw it.
And I never hallucinate.

Why did this vision appear?
My quess is this is why.

This website and it's obvious factual contents.

Vaticinally stated or otherwise.

I did a study in christian prophesy and various other topics which pertain to what humans may call unknown phenomenons.
And " the SPIRIT WORLD shall I say.

And then i put my findings on this subject into the following blog  website.

Obviously addressed here.


To anyone reading this?
I will now say this.Truth is stranger then FICTION.
On that note.

In this life.
The Gods in existence " in this universe" both known and unknown gods" to mortals' do things in ways that are mysterious.
In other words.

Until a human takes the time to connect the dots of what jesus christ advises humans of in luke 4:4 of christianity.
And the facts of that blog website there are evidence of the accuracy of that statement.

Pure and simple.

1 comment:

  1. The book of ENOCH "' through enoch and 2nd peter 1: 19 to 21""does say ,

    that "" in the final days of this formation of this earth"

    Before a new heavens and new earth appear"",,,
    connected to revelation 21: 1 -3 in fact" that just before the functions of 2nd peter 3: 7 to 17 commence' ""people on earth at such a time " will lose their ability to secure themselves in devilish transport inventions.

    Such as cars and TRAINS ' etc.

    And people on earth at that time will also lose the ability to fly.
    Meaning obviously planes jets rockets and helicopters . Etc.

    For the record this will happen

    Because the numerous evil spirits on earth and in the upper firmament of the atmospheres of earth " " at that conjecture in time will timidly withdraw from such modern technological inventions.

    Due to a being addressed by nostradamus in c10q73 of nostradamus's prophesies to humanity in this life.

    Which will cause such modern TRANSPORT inventions to cease to operate or move on earth and in earths upper atmosphere..

    As the functions of the prophesy addressed in revelation 16: 13 to 14 "" which clearly occurred around 666 a d "" is obviously what gives such devilish inventions the ability to move.

    Which is a statement which is proven correct through historical facts proposed here.

    In this blog website.


    In connection to what christianity states in scripture in the first EPISTLE of john chapter 2 verses 15 to 17.

    that is clearly how such a statement should be analysed and addressed by the readers of this website...

    For example " likewise.""
